TosDis — Pool Top-Up
As mentioned in a previous article, our modified code grants projects the opportunity to top up their rewards and will automatically adjust the APY in accordance with this top-up. By implementing these changes, we offered users who are staking or farming the opportunity to not be faced with the problems of unstaking and restaking their liquidity or rewards. We will use this function and top up our own pools on June 18th, 2021 with the following rewards :
Farming Pool Rewards
400 DIS on BSC — BNB-DIS on Cake LP
300 DIS on ETH — ETH-DIS on UNI LP
Single Asset Staking Rewards
150 DIS on BSC
150 DIS on ETH
As a reminder we would like to draw the attention of our community to our “Reinvest” mechanism. Instead of unstaking and restaking profits, our protocol offers an easy-to-use “Reinvest button”, which enables users to compound their newly earned staking rewards and accelerate the growth of their DeFi assets.